Ryan YatesConsultant
Just a person in their 30's doing things in Tech & trying to break the stigma's around talking about Mental Health
This is the personal blog site of Ryan Yates
In IT - Specialising in PowerShell, Automation, DevOps, Azure & Office 365
Outside of IT - Music, Psychology/Mental Health, Science, Law & Politics
There are a number of posts on this blog
There are currently many drafts in progress & have been for a long time
Disclaimer This isn’t a fun post (to read or to write) and nor is it a technical post – this is a reflection on the last few years and is in its very nature quite a personal post. I expect that there will be some kick backs about this post in future and I would humbly ask that you try and imagine yourself having been in my shoes at the time of these events happening and also at the time of writing this post.
Update 9th March 2016 - PowerShell Team released an updated version of the PackageManagement modules today and I’ve updated the Script accordingly and will install the latest PackageManagement modules for you with a little verbose output
Updated Microsoft blog is at https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/powershell/2016/03/08/package-management-preview-march-2016-for-powershell-4-3-is-now-available/
This is a very very quick post about the latest feature being made available downlevel from Powershell v5.
As Microsoft have released PackageManagement (formally OneGet) that is now avaliable for PowerShell v3 & v4 as detailed in this link http://blogs.
In working on the PSWordPress Module that Stephen Owen (@foxdeploy) has started I came across an interesting issue after running my Pester tests which calls - $ModuleFunction.Definition.Contains(’.Synopsis’) | Should be True to check for comment based help - and it was failing even though I had Comment Based help in there. The problem was that the Help was Above the Function Keyword - so this means that it wasn’t carried through to the $ModuleFunction.
UPDATE 25/12/2015 - Due to WMF5 Install issues the InstallWMF5.ps1 Script has been removed from GitHub until the PowerShell Product Team re-release the WMF5 installers. Once re-released I will re-release the InstallWMF5.ps1 script
UPDATE 24/02/2016 - WMF5 was re-released today and the below scripts should still work
This is a very very quick post about installing WMF5 on Windows 8.1 or Server 2012 / Server 2012 R2 via this function script I created
Today I’m off to London for the 5/6 time already this year. This time I’m off to present at the WinOps Meetup and then attend the Chef Users Meetup the following day. My Presentation at WinOps will be the one that I gave for the Mississippi PowerShell User Group.
Looking forward to seeing old faces and new ones there as well!
I recently presented to the Mississippi PowerShell User Group via Skype for Business on Tuesday 9th (well Wednesday as it was 2:30am that I presented for them)
The video from that session is now online at https://youtu.be/z3CmI73LnyI
My session was around my Script & Module Creation Workflow and the Tight integration with Git & Pester that I have included in a module that is an Addon to the PowerShell ISE - Called ISE_Cew
January was a month where I did a lot of travelling and attending different user groups.
I attended the following events
12th - PASS SQL London Chapter 14th - Microsoft UKITCAMP event - What’s New in Windows 10 Enterprise 14th - WinOps Meetup - London 19th - SharePoint User Groups - Leeds 20th - Microsoft UKITCAMP event - What’s New in Server 2016 - Manchester 20th - LeanAgile Meetup - Manchester 26th - .
If you have been involved in the #PSTweetChat events that have been running with Adam Bertram (@adbertram) & Jeffery Hicks (@JeffHicks) and a number of others, then you would be aware of just how awesome these 1-hour open discussion sessions truly are.
A number of PowerShell Questions get asked and answered from members of the PowerShell community worldwide so they can become a valuable resource to getting a right answer to an issue quickly or even just learning more about the people that make the awesome community and what they are currently up to this week.
The UK PowerShell User Groups (Get-PSUGUK) are undergoing an expansion with some new User Groups being sprung up across the UK over the upcoming months.
If you have been able to attend any of the previous events (Manchester & London) then you will know that I’m a big advocate for making a real community out of the User Group Meet ups – one where there is the opportunity for those from all differing IT backgrounds to rise up and present a topic to their local User Group.
So this is Part 3 of a series of Blog Posts on my (currently ever changing) Workflow with Git, Github & PowerShell.
Hopefully you have had chance to look at the previous posts in this series if not they are
Part 1
Part 2
However, for this post we will be concentrating on Script & Module Creation and how we can make the overall experience more efficient with the PSISE_Addons module that I’m releasing on Github https://github.
Ok so If you didn’t already know then this happened
I got bored so have Created an Auto-Bot for Tweeting about Releases in the PowerShell Gallery
cc @jsnover https://t.co/QgfMhTaGDu
— Ryan (@ryanyates1990) December 31, 2015 And although it has been interesting it has also brought up some issues (mainly data which is one of my biggest bug bears in all things IT) with the PowerShell Gallery and these include and is not limited to
This is just a post on my own recent reflections of the events throughout 2015.
Each month in 2015 came with its ever more increasingly difficult obstacles to overcome and for the first 6 months of the year a lot of the obstacles had come about in the previous year or two and a lot of it was predominantly centred around my children.
People close to me will know just how hard 2015 was for me & how at one point it wasn’t looking like I might actually have gotten through it.
** UPDATE 25/12/2015 Due to WMF5 Install issues the InstallWMF5.ps1 Script has been removed from GitHub until the PowerShell Product Team re-release the WMF5 installers. Once re-released I will re-release the InstallWMF5.ps1 script **
This is a very very quick post about installing WMF5 on Windows 8.1 or Server 2012 / Server 2012 R2 via this function script I created
And what better way than a simple 1 liner to grab and run the script
So this is the Second of a series of blog posts about how my workflow with Git, GitHub, PowerShell & Exchange currently works.
In this series we will cover a number of different applications and a number of custom PowerShell Functions that will really help you to optimise efficiency across devices when these processes are put in place.
As we left off the last part I had opened up the thoughts to the next stages of the process – the actual automation of the workloads and in this post I will go into detail about the integration between GitHub & Exchange to create New Inbox Folders and Inbox Rules for any newly followed Repo’s
So this is the First of a series of blog posts about how my workflow with Git, Github, PowerShell & Exchange currently works.
In this series we will cover a number of different applications and a number of custom PowerShell Functions that will really help you to optimise efficiency across devices when these processes are put in place.
Ok so I am going to share with you my current end to end workflow for ensuring that I commit myself to making use of Source Control for all of my Scripts (and other files when required).