Privacy Policy

Ryan YatesConsultant

Just a person in their 30's doing things in Tech & trying to break the stigma's around talking about Mental Health

Privacy Policy

This site is built using Hugo, with a customised theme and currently hosted on GitHub Pages, but fronted by Cloudflare, and whilst I do not (currently) collect or regularly view the data that Cloudflare collects, it is minimal, and by design. I do not get a total on which pages are viewed so have no inclination as to which posts are most popular, if they are even popular at all.

This site does not require us to make use of any cookies which is why you don’t get a cookie popup on here, which means we are compliant with GDPR 👍

We do currently use javascript in some places with the theme that is in use, though it is intended to minimise and eventually remove it’s use completely if possible for both speed and security reasons.