Updated! Quick Win – Install-WMF5 (again)

Ryan YatesConsultant

Just a person in their 30's doing things in Tech & trying to break the stigma's around talking about Mental Health

UPDATE 25/12/2015 - Due to WMF5 Install issues the InstallWMF5.ps1 Script has been removed from GitHub until the PowerShell Product Team re-release the WMF5 installers. Once re-released I will re-release the InstallWMF5.ps1 script

UPDATE 24/02/2016 - WMF5 was re-released today and the below scripts should still work

This is a very very quick post about installing WMF5 on Windows 8.1 or Server 2012 / Server 2012 R2 via this function script I created

And what better way than a simple 1 liner to grab and run the script

Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘http://bit.ly/InstallWMF5')

And if you want to look at the Script then direct link is http://bit.ly/InstallWMF5

Hope this is useful for you 

PS credit goes to @lee_holmes for the idea from following tweet

PPS – There is an issue with running this on Windows 7 / Server 2008R2 machines due to the need for WMF4 to be installed.

I am working on this but this is low priority for me as really we shouldn’t be deploying Server 2008 or Windows 7 Systems any more

PPPS – you will see a theme here – I am intending to build functions like this and release them as a full module in the PowerShell Gallery to help Automate these tasks – so look out for some more like this in future