Coming to Manchester October 13th - Get-PSUGUKMan

Ryan YatesConsultant

Just a person in their 30's doing things in Tech & trying to break the stigma's around talking about Mental Health

I’ve been pondering for some time about getting a Manchester PowerShell User Group up and running and about a month ago I said to myself - Why not just do it.

So I did !!!

The first Manchester PowerShell User Group - which in keeping with the existing UK PowerShell Get-PSUGUK - is being called Get-PSUGUKMan and although I’m in the very basic stages of getting this sorted I do have a venue sorted and also 1 of 2 sessions already put together with hopefully a second to get confirmed in the upcoming weeks.

I plan that this group will meet either monthly or bi-monthly and will start of with its first meet up on October 13th at SpaceportX in Manchester.

Initially the group will be kept to topics that cover PowerShell as a technology in its own right however as this will be a community event and due to the nature of PowerShell having capability with many other applications we may open this up in time or have guest sessions depending on the whether this seems a suitable course to take.

In the meantime I have set up the following

Eventbrite Registration Page

@GetPSUGUKMan Twitter Account - Follow for updates on the events

Please spread this around as much as possible as I’m hoping this will be the beginning of more local PowerShell communities across the UK and also the beginning of bigger things for the UK PowerShell community

I’ll hope to see you at the event where I will be starting the night with a discussion point on DSC and will provide some learnings to the group from the PowerShell Conference in Singapore only the month beforehand.