growth Total 63 tags All AI Automation BusyDoingWhatILove Career Development ChaosEngineering ChaosTheory Code of Conduct community conference Conferences ConfigAsCode Consulting CoPilots DarkHumour Destructive Development DevOps DisasterRecovery DSC Education Feedback growth honesty Improvements InfraAsCode Install ITOps learning Local Testing Lyrics MentalHealth mhaslme mistakes Music MVP MVPAward mvpbuzz New Beginnings Opinions Pipelines PowerShell presentation Presenting PSDayUK Re-Digitise Re-Initialise reflection Sarcasm Scottish Summit Search self promotion SideBySide Stress talestodewsbury Terraform Testing tests Tooling UI User Groups UX Wishlist Workflows 2023-07-08 I will make mistakes, but I will always learn from them 2023-07-08 My experience as a 7 time awardee of the Microsoft MVP Award