pester Total 55 categories All api azure blog BusyDoingWhatILove community conference Conferences DevOps dsc events growth health honesty hugo Improvements Install lab-building labillity learning looking-ahead Lyrics mental MentalHealth mistakes module Music MVPAward mvpbuzz networking opinions paint personal-life pester platform Portal Reviews powershell powershell-core presentation presentations presenting protip PSConfEU psday recap reflection Scottish Summit SideBySide sql Testing ThePSGallery AutoBot Tooling User Groups usergroups Wishlist work pester (Total2 articles) 2016-07-21 Functional / Non-Functional Pester Tests and why I think you really should have a form of both. 2016-05-24 Creating a set of simple Pester Tests for existing or old PowerShell Modules & making them easier to update in future.